Words Archive

Language and THE FUTURE

Remember the theory of Linguistic Relativity that we talked about a while back? How the language you speak can affect your views of gender, spatial orientation, color, and even your dreams and aspirations? Well, my friend Miles sent me this video that addressed another ...Read More

Digital Language

I read an interesting article published by Idibon, a company that helps other companies analyze their digital language data. I am so far from a techie that this last sentence was even a challenge to type, but it proved worthwhile reading. The author presented ...Read More

A Language Map of the U.S.

A statistics student from North Carolina State came out with a language map of the U.S., a fun linguistics study to see how where you live shapes the words you use. Give it a try! My results showed that not only am I indeed from California, ...Read More

Feminist Linguistics in Deutschland

I just finished my last German final, and now I can begin the swift process of forgetting a year’s worth of material. But even if verb order and plural endings don’t stick with me, a recent linguistics study about German articles made quite the ...Read More


Prepositions (those little words like on, at, before, with, as, for . . . ) are often the most difficult part of any language for new learners to grasp. For instance, why do we say “John is waiting for you AT the bus stop,” ...Read More

Spacial Relations

One of the textbooks for my Endangered Language class, Dying Words, is simply blowing my mind. I thought I’d share here some interesting facts I’ve come across, just to prove that reading for class can sometimes be worth it :) There are some (actually many!) ...Read More

Language Shift

In my linguistics class this past week we’ve been talking a lot about Language Shift, or how language undergoes changes over time. This normally happens over generations, although sometimes it’s not as slow of a process as one might think. Just look at slang: ...Read More