Jenny Archive

London for New Years

After a great and freezing three days in Edinburgh, Luc and I caught a sleepless overnight bus to London. There we were staying with our friend Emily, who was Luc’s roommate during our year in Granada. Her parents live in an adorable flat in ...Read More

Dirty Minds and a Big Clock

I was working with a class of 15-year-old boys on the grammar have/haven’t got and has/hasn’t got (à la Brit, as per usual). The textbook showed six photos and it was the students’ job to describe what the person had in each. Thick book: ...Read More

A Wee Trip Up To Scotland

The second stop on my Christmas tour through Europe was Edinburgh, which I’d been dying to visit since I hadn’t been getting quite my fill of rain in Bilbao. In Scotland I had planned to reunite with my friend Luc, whom I met studying abroad ...Read More