Jenny Archive

Lost in Translation: Cojones

My English academy director entered a shop in Bilbao the other day and came across an aisle dedicated to cushions, or “cojines” in Spanish. What she was not expecting was the above sign, mistakenly written with “cojones,” therefore asking customers: “Please don’t pull on ...Read More

Discovering Poland

My trip to Krakow and Wroclaw, Poland, in April was both my first time in Eastern Europe and my first time REALLY traveling alone. (I did 10 days by myself in Spain before, but since I was living there, I only half-count it; I ...Read More

Polyglots in Morocco

When I visited Morocco in March, I was not just impressed by the World Heritage Ksar and the one-humped camels. I was equally blown away by the polyglots of the country—a loosely defined word meaning “speakers of many languages.” The souks of Marrakech provided ...Read More

Bigotry and Poor Pronunciation

After hearing my students struggle with the difficult pronunciation of English “-ed” words (listen to the three different ending sounds of “cleanED,” “askED” and “acceptED” and you’ll know what I mean), the linguist in me decided to do an abridged version of my quarter-long university phonetics ...Read More

In Other Wor(l)ds: Becca in Egypt

Becca Novak is 25 years old and lives in Brooklyn, New York. She is the Education Manager for ScriptEd, a startup nonprofit organization that connects students to tech careers by recruiting volunteers to teach computer science in under-served schools. Previously, she taught special education ...Read More

Blog 2.0

  Welcome to the NEW AND IMPROVED A Thing For Wor(l)ds!!! This is the grown-up version of my modest little site that started 21 months ago as a project to continue writing, a passion that I discovered while blogging during my time studying abroad. ...Read More